Do you believe the prophets? Do you believe in the power of God to raise the dead?
Being an elder isn’t just an administrative role, overseeing budgets, and programs, and buildings. No, the elder is a pastoral role, to oversee and serve the sheep.
God has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man – by the man Jesus Christ, whom he has appointed.
When we trust in our great King – when we believe in Jesus – he saves us, not because of any virtue or strength in us, but because of the virtue and strength that’s in him.
Christianity isn’t a new replacement for the Old Testament. But Christianity is, in fact, the truest expression of the Old Testament.
It’s by faith in his name that this man was made well. And it’s by faith in his name that you will find wholeness and restoration, as well.
How did Jesus’s followers understand his life? What impact did Jesus have on the mission and message of his followers, and how should the events of his life impact us?