Our Church is shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Biblical Faith.
Real Fellowship.
Missional Fervor.
Our Values

Biblical Faith.
The message of the Bible is historical and has real implications for life. We stand in continuity with Christians who have come before us, proclaiming the same gospel and confessing the same faith.

Real Fellowship.
Fellowship is more than a name. We do not want to settle for superficial friendships. We aim for real vitality and warmth in our relationships with one another and with the God who made us.

Missional Fervor.
Apart from God’s mercy, we would still be enslaved to selfish desires and spiritually dead. Our experience of God’s transforming work in our hearts makes us eager to tell people about Jesus.
Our Mission

As a Reformed church in Central Michigan, our mission is gather, grow, and send out worshippers of Jesus Christ with the gospel of God’s grace.
Our Vision

We envision that spiritual vitality in our church will evidence itself in family faithfulness, community witness, college ministry, and church planting.