If we are to pursue wisdom, we cannot just pursue the right answer. And we also shouldn't moralistically attempt to gain better character, as an end in itself. But we are called to come to the One who is wisdom, and to know Him and to learn from him.
in Christ, life is good and productive, and death is transformed into gain. In Christ, we’re given a new commission to live for the one who died for us, and new confidence to die for the one who lives for us.
What is wisdom? And why should we pursue it?
The defining characteristic of true wisdom is that it’s borne out of an accurate understanding of God.
Exploring the Truths of Scripture Over the last couple weeks, we’ve been walking through Genesis, the first book of the Bible. So far, we’ve seen that Genesis reveals several truths…
God’s free grace doesn’t excuse us from pursuing goodness, but God’s free grace is actually what establishes and incentivizes good conduct in God’s people.
The grace of God we receive through faith in Christ is just as potent, just as precious, and just as complete as the grace received by the apostles.
Jesus is the only way to God, and the way to God is only Jesus, unassisted by anything we would try to add.