On Sunday evening, the sermon was supplied by a pastoral intern named Eric Berg. Eric Berg is currently serving with University Reformed Church in East Lansing, MI. He came up…
The excellent woman isn’t focused on herself, or on her performance. Her goal isn’t to draw attention to herself. But she instead does all that she does out of reverence for her Lord – she wants to serve the one who loved her, and saved her, and has promised to take care of her.
Better is open rebuke than hidden love
For our Sunday afternoon service, Rev. Greg B preached from Proverbs 27, verses 1 and 2. He explained how the text relates to boasting, pride, and glory, and how the…
For you know the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for our sake, he became poor, so that you, by his poverty, might become rich.
Finding the good path is worth the time that it takes.
Proverbs anticipates Christ, and directs us to feast on him, and his glory.
Christ understands our poverty. God doesn't stand aloof, but he draws near to meet us in our neediness.
If the joy you experience on earth directs your heart to a deeper, fuller enjoyment of God – then your earthly joy will bring you into even greater gladness rather than grief.
If we are to pursue wisdom, we cannot just pursue the right answer. And we also shouldn't moralistically attempt to gain better character, as an end in itself. But we are called to come to the One who is wisdom, and to know Him and to learn from him.