Matthew’s record, here, about the birth of Christ makes it plain that this man, Jesus, is a most extraordinary person. God himself has made him king.
God isn't looking for witnesses who are impressive, but he's looking for witnesses who will testify to the coming of Jesus with joy, worship, and faith.
If the joy you experience on earth directs your heart to a deeper, fuller enjoyment of God – then your earthly joy will bring you into even greater gladness rather than grief.
in Christ, life is good and productive, and death is transformed into gain. In Christ, we’re given a new commission to live for the one who died for us, and new confidence to die for the one who lives for us.
God doesn’t just preserve us by putting a big, plexiglass dome over the sapling of our faith – but he preserves us by growing our faith into a mature tree, that can withstand windstorms and winters.
Rejoice in knowing that the gospel will not fail. Because the good news is still good. And God is still God.
God has brought you, and me, and all of us together to receive the gospel fully, and to advance the gospel further. This is the fellowship we’ve been called into with one another. This is what gospel partnership is.
Are you satisfied? Real fellowship with God produces completeness of joy.