The Blessings of Christian Rebuke
We held our regular Sunday evening church service at Fellowship Reformed Church in Mount Pleasant, MI on January 19. The sermon was given by a guest speaker, Benjamin Ault, a pastoral intern from University Reformed Church in East Lansing, MI. The Sermon title was, “The Blessings of Christian Rebuke.”
Benjamin Ault continued our Sunday evening sermon series in the book of Proverbs. The text for the evening was Proverbs 27, verses 5 and 6. And over the course of the evening, Ault walked us through the Biblical teaching of rebuke. Ault identified a couple key examples of what productive correction and rebuke look like. First, he referred to the prophet Nathan’s confrontation of King David in his adultery. And second, Ault pointed to Jesus Christ himself, who brought a timely rebuke to Peter in his times of unfaithfulness.
Ault also helpfully showed how rebuke is something we shouldn’t be defensive or angry about. Instead, we should see it as a gift. Either the person is pointing out an issue we’ve already seen in ourselves, or they’re pointing out an issue that we have perhaps missed. In either case, we have a friend who cares about us enough to do the uncomfortable work of pulling us aside to say something. And for that, we should be thankful.
A transcript of the sermon is not available. But feel free to listen to the full audio recording of the sermon.