The testimony of the universe, and of the Scriptures, and of the Lord Jesus Christ is that God deserves your trust and your reverent obedience.
It was our great delight to welcome Pastor Jason Helopoulos to lead our Sunday night meeting. Pastor Jason Helopoulos, Senior Pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, opened the…
Exploring the Truths of Scripture Over the last couple weeks, we’ve been walking through Genesis, the first book of the Bible. So far, we’ve seen that Genesis reveals several truths…
God effectively forms and furnishes his creation in a manner that highlights his own orderliness and goodness.
Setbacks from the Beginning Now this might surprise some of you, but when these words were first written, 3500 years ago, people had trouble believing them. See, these words of…
Jesus Christ is the firstborn of all creation, not because he is born or created first in time, but because God has designated Christ as Lord and heir.