Is the day of Christ on your mind? Is it having any impact on how you live?
The right attitude of the Christian should never be “God shows me grace, so I can keep sinning!” Instead, the right attitude that we see here is “God shows me grace, so I can keep obeying!”
Even if we abandoned our houses and bodies and brains and our playthings, and we stooped down to take on the form of pond scum – even then, we would not have humbled ourselves as much as Jesus Christ did.
Very few of us need encouragement to watch out for ourselves. But to watch out and pay attention to the needs of others, just as intently – that’s a challenge. That’s not natural. Indeed, it’s divine.
God has brought you, and me, and all of us together to receive the gospel fully, and to advance the gospel further. This is the fellowship we’ve been called into with one another. This is what gospel partnership is.
The defining characteristic of true wisdom is that it’s borne out of an accurate understanding of God.
Being a cabin boy on a luxury cruise liner is much better than being the captain of a sinking rowboat.
Introduction: Humility is Foundational If you’re visiting this morning, I’d just like to take a moment again to welcome you to Fellowship Reformed Church, here in Mount Pleasant. I’m thankful…
Being an elder isn’t just an administrative role, overseeing budgets, and programs, and buildings. No, the elder is a pastoral role, to oversee and serve the sheep.
It’s by faith in his name that this man was made well. And it’s by faith in his name that you will find wholeness and restoration, as well.