A Prayer for Godly Wisdom and Knowledge
God of all knowledge and truth,
Give me ears to hear the call of wisdom,
As she invites me into her plenty (Proverbs 9:1-6).
Give me an appetite for the sweetness of wisdom,
To delight and nourish my soul (Proverbs 24:13-14).
Impress upon me the great value of wisdom,
More precious than gold and silver (Proverbs 16:16).
I will not pursue what I do not want,
So train my heart to love your precious knowledge.
At the same time, drive out my love of sinning
And please banish from my passions
Every inclination toward stubborn ignorance
And arrogant self-reliance.
As a good Father, strike from me
The folly of my childish heart (Proverbs 22:15),
And train me to yearn for maturity,
To grow up into Christlikeness (Ephesians 4:13).
Lord of All,
Grant me the grace to build my life’s foundation
On the bedrock of knowing your word (Matthew 7:24).
Give me a right fear before your Holy Splendor
For this is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).
Teach me to number my days,
So I may gain a heart of wisdom (Psalm 90:12).
It is to you I look,
It is to you only that I call,
For it is you alone who can supply this knowledge.
Give a wisdom that is fruitful and faithful,
So that I might live wholly and holy for you,
Discerning what is good and right,
Delighting in what is just and pure,
Declaring what is true and wholesome,
And devoting myself to your worship.
Guard my steps from backsliding.
Preserve me from wandering from your ways,
Into roads of death and destruction (Proverbs 21:16).
Let your word always be a light to my feet
And a lamp for my path (Psalm 119:105)
And forever set before me
The unfading glory of Jesus Christ,
Who I readily confess is, indeed,
Both the power of God, and the wisdom of God –
He is my righteousness
And my sanctification, and my redemption
And I will boast in no one
Except for your Holy Power and Wisdom
That shines forth in Christ (1 Corinthians 1:24, 30-31),
And that has begun to shine in me.
Thank you for hearing my cry,
By teaching me to seek you,
And by supplying my needs from the fullness of Christ.
As I live according to your ways,
Vindicate me in the eyes of the world,
So that those who love foolishness
Would be put to shame,
And so all would see wisdom’s crown of beauty
And would be humbled to seek your face.
Let your wisdom shine forth
Until the appointed time when Christ returns
To remove all that is petty and profane,
And to restore the world in everlasting wisdom.
Amen! May praise and glory and wisdom
And thanks and honor and power and strength
Be to our God for ever and ever.
Amen! (Revelation 7:12)